Applicability of activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) as a screening test of milk to medium deficiencies of coagulation factors in cats

Deniz, A.; Mischke, R.; Nolte, I.

Deutsche Tierärztliche Wochenschrift 102(5): 206-208


ISSN/ISBN: 0341-6593
PMID: 8593777
Document Number: 450277
The present investigation examined if the aPTT shows sufficient sensitivity for single factor activities also in cats when measured with the test optimized for humans using a commercial reagent. Comparative measurements were done with different modifications of the aPTT (sample predilution, addition of fibrinogen). Measurements of the aPTT using different methods and the activity of the coagulation factors II, V, VIII, IX, XI, and XII were performed in 42 healthy cats in order to determine the reference ranges. The same measurements were done on 21 cat plasmas where at least one of the coagulation factors was diminished in relation to the corresponding reference range. The conventional aPTT reflected the decrease in coagulation factor activity in each of the 21 plasmas by prolongation above the reference range (14.6-24.4 s). It was concluded that the test has high sensitivity and is a suitable screening test also for the cat. In contrast, in tests with sample predilution the sensitivity was lower (3-4 false negative results). This was attributed to the distinct increase of the range of the reference values.

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