Effect of lupus anticoagulants on the activated partial thromboplastin time. Results of the College of American Pathologists survey program

Brandt, J.T.; Triplett, D.A.; Rock, W.A.; Bovill, E.G.; Arkin, C.F.

Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 115(2): 109-114


ISSN/ISBN: 0003-9985
PMID: 1899555
Document Number: 374544
Lupus anticoagulants are antibodies that interfere with in vitro phospholipid-dependent coagulation reactions. In vivo, they have been associated with a variety of thromboembolic problems. Samples from patients with lupus anticoagulants were included in the 1986 and 1987 College of American Pathologists proficiency survey program. Participant performance on these samples demonstrated significant variation in the responsiveness of different activated partial thromboplastin reagents to lupus anticoagulants. The level of factor VIII in these samples reported by the participants also varied with the reagent used. Follow-up studies demonstrated striking reagent-dependent differences in the dilutional effect on apparent factor VIII, IX, XI, and XII activity. These results point out the importance of selecting sensitive and responsive reagents for appropriate identification of lupus inhibitors. In addition, the results indicate that the choice of reagent used for factor assays can affect the apparent factor activity as well as whether a dilutional effect is noted when a lupus anticoagulant is present in the test sample, an important consideration when trying to distinguish a lupus anticoagulant from a specific factor inhibitor.

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