Comparison of reagents for determining the activated partial thromboplastin time

Hoffmann, J.J.; Meulendijk, P.N.

Thrombosis and Haemostasis 39(3): 640-645


ISSN/ISBN: 0340-6245
PMID: 705693
Document Number: 128572
Six commercially available reagents for the determination of the activated partial thromboplastin time have been evaluated and compared with respect to their sensitivity to the coagulation factors VIII, IX and XI and to their response to heparin. Some variation was observed among the reagents regarding their sensitivity to factor XI and even greater differences were obtained with factors VIII and IX. It was also clear that none of the reagents was sensitive to the same extent to the factors tested. The sensitivity to heparin shows considerable variation, in terms of time as well as mode of response to increasing heparin levels. In four reagents this response is linear, it is logarithmic in one and the remaining one is yet again different. It seems unlikely that any standardization of the APTT determination is at present possible with the reagents studied.

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