DNA typing of HLA class Ii genes among the aboriginal inhabitants of Chukotka

Krylov, M.I.; Erdes, S.; Alekseeva, L.I.; Benevolenskaia, L.I.

Genetika 31(6): 852-858


ISSN/ISBN: 0016-6758
PMID: 7635323
Document Number: 450189
Polymorphism of class II HLA genes was studied in native Chukotka inhabitants with the use of DNA oligotyping. The characteristics of the distribution of allelic variants of the loci HLA-DRB1, -DQA1, -DQB1, and -DPB1 were revealed; they were similar to those of other Subarctic Mongoloid populations and different from those for comparable populations of other climatic and geographic zones. Our data suggest that the specific features found for the distributions of some alleles of the loci examined are related to the geographic variation in the HLA gene system studied.

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