Acute pulmonary oedema in patients with primary pulmonary hypertension and normal pulmonary capillary wedge pressure
Van Mieghem, W.; Verleden, G.; Demedts, M.
Acta Cardiologica 49(5): 483-488
ISSN/ISBN: 0001-5385 PMID: 7839766 Document Number: 437364
Acute pulmonary oedema with normal pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, occurred in 2 patients with primary pulmonary hypertension, probably due to veno-occlusive diseases. In both cases an increase in cardiac output induced by vasodilator therapy with a calcium antagonist or a viral infection with fever lead to an increase in hydrostatic pulmonary capillary pressure which was not identical to the pulmonary capillary wedge pressure.
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