Prolonged pulmonary artery pressure monitoring in patients with pulmonary hypertension

Chazova, I.E.; Kolos, I.P.; Dzemeshkevich, S.L.; Samko, A.N.; Lepilin, M.G.; Margolina, A.A.; Staroverov, I.I.

Kardiologiia 42(12): 42-46


ISSN/ISBN: 0022-9040
PMID: 12494017
Document Number: 550357
Pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) was monitored for 24-48 hours in 10 and 8 patients with primary and secondary pulmonary hypertension, respectively. The data obtained were compared with results of prolonged PAP monitoring in 2 healthy volunteers. Variability of mean PAP was 7.43-/+3.1, 5.78-/+1.64, and 3.4-/+0.63 mm Hg, coefficient of variability - 10.39-/+3.68, 13.04-/+6.01 and 22.73-/+8.03% in patients with primary and secondary pulmonary hypertension and healthy subjects, respectively. After surgery in patients with secondary pulmonary hypertension coefficient of variability rose from 13.04-/+6.01 to 16.7-/+12.8%, while variability decreased from 5.78-/+1.64 to 4.3-/+1.65 mm Hg. Level of spontaneous fluctuations of PAP was the highest in healthy subjects (71.4%) and the lowest - in patients with primary pulmonary hypertension (34.9%). Thus PAP variability is a widespread phenomenon which should be taken into consideration during right heart catheterization and acute pharmacological tests.

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