Proteoglycans in skeletal muscle

Brandan, E.

Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research 27(9): 2109-2116


ISSN/ISBN: 0100-879X
PMID: 7787794
Document Number: 435643
1. Proteoglycans are macromolecules composed of a protein and one or more chains of sulfated carbohydrates, the glycosaminoglycans. Proteoglycans are found on the cell surface and in the extracellular matrix participating in the cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix interaction. In this review I present the information accumulated in the past years regarding the presence, characteristics, localization, control of expression and alteration in some pathological states of skeletal muscle proteoglycans. 2. This review presents and discusses current information in this area and some projections for the future in four sections: first, the proteoglycans present in embryonic cells and cell lines from skeletal muscle. Second, the presence of proteoglycans in adult skeletal muscles. Third, the regulation of the expression of skeletal muscle proteoglycans, and fourth, skeletal muscle proteoglycans in pathological conditions.

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