Sonographic findings in horses with mediastinal lymphosarcoma: 13 cases (1985-1992)

Garber, J.L.; Reef, V.B.; Reimer, J.M.

Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 205(10): 1432-1436


ISSN/ISBN: 0003-1488
PMID: 7698925
Document Number: 434836
Sonographic findings correlated with findings in 8 of 9 horses in which the cranial portion of the mediastinum was evaluated by use of both methods. Cranial mediastinal masses were imaged as multilobular and homogeneously hypoechoic, a complex echogenic pattern was observed with necrosis within the mass. Pleural effusion was a common finding in horses with mediastinal lymphosarcoma. Cytological evaluation of pleural fluid samples was useful in diagnosis of lymphosarcoma in 10 of 12 horses that had thoracentesis. It was concluded that sonographic examination of the thorax and cranial portion of the mediastinum can aid in the diagnosis of mediastinal lymphosarcoma in horses. Such examination should be performed in horses with clinical signs of cranial vena cava obstruction in which pleural effusion is detected, or when thoracic lymphosarcoma is suspected.

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