The inhalation of industrial solvents. the effect of the chronic inhalation of thinner on the rat liver and on an isolated mitochondrial fraction

Carabez Trejo, A.

Gaceta Medica de Mexico 130(5): 335-346


ISSN/ISBN: 0016-3813
PMID: 7607363
Document Number: 425223
Industrial solvent inhalation has become one of the most important health problems worldwide. Workers frequently are exposed to the vapours of these type of compounds but perhaps the most important problem related with the industrial solvents is the voluntary inhalation, that, under certain conditions and according to the WHO becomes a pharmaco-dependency or a drug-addiction. In the last few decades this drug addiction has grown to impressive figures, this is an indication that the problem has to be studied, in order to gain insight on the possible mechanism, to which these compounds affect the organism and the physiology of individuals with this health problem. The pioneer studies of Costero and Barroso among others, pointed out on the extent of the effects of this drug addiction. Our work is focussed on the effects that long term thinner inhalation induces on the liver and on the subcellular mitochondrial fraction of rats.

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