Selectivity of glomerular proteinuria and liver function in gestosis

Kaltenbach, F.J.; Wilhelm, C.

Zentralblatt für Gynakologie 116(6): 340-343


ISSN/ISBN: 0044-4197
PMID: 8048289
Document Number: 424265
Proteinuria in preeclamptic women was qualitatively differentiated and in cases of pure glomerular proteinuria three groups according to the low-, medium- or high selectivity of glomerular proteinuria were formed. In these patients the incidence of liver dysfunction and severe proteinuria together with an increase in mean arterial blood pressure was investigated. The aim of this study was to find out if there is any connection between glomerular proteinuria of different selectivity and disturbed liver function. In patients with EPH-gestosis a pure glomerular proteinuria in SDS-PAA-disc electrophoresis of the urine was found. Together with the increase in glomerular selectivity an increase in quantitative urinary protein loss was found. In patients with high selective glomerular proteinuria the extent of proteinuria was about three times higher than in patients with low selectivity. In all patients a moderate elevation of the liver enzymes was found. In all patients disturbed liver function returned to normal within a few days after delivery. We conclude from these data that glomerular functional lesions pregnancy in patients with preexisting glomerulopathies or pregnancy induced renal dysfunction are accompanied in a high rate by moderate disorders of liver function.

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