Study of community health volunteers scheme in the district of ajmer rajasthan india
Qadiri, G.J.; Bukhari, I.A.
Health and Population Perspectives and Issues 7(1): 58-71
ISSN/ISBN: 0253-6803 Document Number: 424259
Community Health Volunteers (CHVs) scheme was launched in the State of Rajasthan in 27 PHCs on 2nd October, 1977 along with other States on the basis of one PHC in each district. The PHC area in district of Ajmer which was under study, three batches of 58 CHVs had been trained and working in the field, while the fourth batch of 23 CHVs under training was expected to complete the training by the end of September, 1978. There had been three drop-outs during the training period. Findings revealed that though generally, criteria of selection were adhered to, but there were some deviations like limited community involvement, lack of awareness on the part of community involvement, lack of awareness on the part of community leaders and community about the scheme and its selection dynamics. It was strongly felt that the selection processes may be strengthen further. The training being a vital component in the scheme, there is a room to strengthen further the training of key trainers, by way of full coverage. At present most of the key-trainers (medical and para-medical) remained untrained. The training methodology of CHV should not be limited only to lecture-discussion it should be more field based and strong emphasis be given on promotive and preventive aspects. Study further reveals that inputs like drugs, educational aids, stipends and honorarium to CHVs were not regular and timely. Serious attention both at State and Central level be given by the Programme Officers so that a methodology is evolved to ensure a regular and timely supply of such inputs be maintained down to the line of functionnaire. A number of administrative problems also need to be thoroughly studied so that remedial means can be taken up which will go a long way for the achievement of the objectives of the scheme and its smooth and efficient running.