The incidence of detecting influenza virus antigens in the peripheral blood lymphocytes of donors in relation to the epidemic activity of influenza viruses a and B

Isaeva, E.I.; Rovnova, Z.I.; Poliakova, T.G.; Viazov, S.O.

Voprosy Virusologii 38(4): 146-149


ISSN/ISBN: 0507-4088
PMID: 8236937
Document Number: 418832
Antigens of influenza A and B viruses in the peripheral blood lymphocytes of normal human subjects are found regularly both in epidemic and interepidemic periods. The level of detection of viral proteins in lymphocytes varies widely and correlates with the epidemic activity of the viruses. Influenza virus antigens were found several months before a rise in the incidence of the disease, the per cent ratio of the identified antigens correlating with the pattern of antigen detection in nasopharyngeal washings during an epidemic outbreak. Most frequently, the antigen found in lymphocytes was that of the main etiological agent of a definite epidemic; less frequently the hemagglutinin of the virus accompanying the one dominant in a given epidemic was found.

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