Molecular mechanisms of reversions to the ts+ -phenotype of cold-adapted influenza virus a strains--attenuation donors for live influenza reassortant vaccines

Markushin, S.G.; Akopova, I.I.; Koptiaeva, I.B.; Tsfasman, T.M.; Gendon, I.Z.

Voprosy Virusologii 51(5): 17-22


ISSN/ISBN: 0507-4088
PMID: 17087060
Document Number: 595301
A ts+ revertant of cold-adapted (ca) strain A/Leningrad/134/47/57--the attenuation donor for live influenza reassortant vaccines--was obtained by passages of the ca strain in chick embryos at nonpermissive temperatures. The ts+ revertant acquired the ability to grow in chick embryos at 40 degrees C and lost the capacity to reproduce there at 25 degrees C. A complementation-recombination test using the fowl plague virus (FPV0 ts-mutants showed the loss of the ts-phenotype in the RNA-segments of ts+ revertants' genome coding for PB2, NP, and NS (NS2) proteins. However, PCR-restriction analysis revealed a true reversion in RNA-segment coding for PB2 protein only. All the investigated mutations in the ts+ revertant genome were preserved. This phenomenon could be explained by the appearance of intragenic and extragenic suppression mutations in the ts+ revertant genome. The data of the complementation-recombination test suggest that reversion of ts-phenotype occurs more frequently due to extra- or intragenic suppression rather than as a result of a true mutation loss. Estimation of the genetic stability of vaccine ca strains of influenza virus should be based on the combined use of PCR-restriction and complementation tests.

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