Effects of castration and thyroidectomy on expression of lectin-binding sugar moieties and endolectins in mouse submandibular glands. A glycohistochemical study

Akif, F.; Gabius, H.J.; Danguy, A.

In Vivo 7(1): 37-44


ISSN/ISBN: 0258-851X
PMID: 8504206
Document Number: 414702
The aims of this study were to assess histochemically by means of biotinylated lectins and neoglycoproteins the effects of castration and thyroidectomy on the expression of carbohydrate moieties and endogenous sugar-binding proteins (endolectins), respectively, in submandibular glands of mice. Characteristic binding patterns depending upon the type of lectin were observed primarily in the granular convoluted tubules. For the first time carbohydrate-binding sites were also localized in this glandular tissue. Moreover, the endocrine status was found to affect the histochemical expression of sugar moieties of glycoconjugates as well as endolectins, thus modifying both sides of presumed protein-carbohydrate interactions. Further work is needed to identify these molecules and to understand better their endogenous roles.

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