Henoch-Schönlein purpura
Tapson, K.M.
American Family Physician 47(3): 633-638
ISSN/ISBN: 0002-838X PMID: 8434553 Document Number: 405196
Henoch-Schönlein purpura is a small vessel vasculitic disease thought to be caused by an immunoglobulin-mediated inflammatory process resulting from immune complex reaction to antigenic stimuli. It is a relatively common disease that will be encountered in the clinical practice of most family physicians. Although it occurs most frequently in children, it can occur in all age groups. It is classically manifested by palpable purpura on the lower extremities, abdominal pain, arthritis and renal involvement. Family physicians should be familiar with the disease's clinical manifestations and be aware of potentially serious complications that may affect long-term prognosis and management.