Nephropathy in Schönlein-Henoch purpura

Desinor-Mompoint, O.I.; García-De la Puente, S.; de León-Bojorge, B.; Pablos-Hach, J.L.; Zaltzman-Girshevych, S.

Boletin Medico del Hospital Infantil de Mexico 48(10): 730-735


ISSN/ISBN: 0539-6115
PMID: 1764196
Document Number: 376909
Over one hundred patients diagnosed with vascular purpura at the National Institute of Pediatrics between 1979 and 1988 were retrospectively studied. Frequency was similar for both sexes. 82% were between the ages of six months and 11 years old. The extrarenal clinical manifestations were: petechias in 98%; abdominal pain 78% arthralgias 45%; melena 39%; and arthritis in 19% of the cases, 49 patients had nephropathy of different degrees and they did differently, 32 had hematuria with or without proteinuria within a nephrotic range, seven suffered from a nephrotic syndrome, one with a nephritic syndrome and nine others had a combination of two or three syndromes (nephritic/nephrotic/renal failure) with an unfavorable evolution towards terminal renal failure in eight of them; on the other hand, this was not seen in the remaining patients. Thirteen renal biopsies were taken from patients with more severe clinical manifestations, finding in them mesangial proliferation or endo- and extracapillary proliferation. These findings suggest that the initial clinical presentation of the illness allows for the prediction of the future.

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