Two separate surgical repairs of post-infarction blowout rupture of the left ventricular free wall and subsequently developed subepicardial aneurysm
Sudo, Y.; Takahara, Y.; Ohto, T.; Murayama, H.; Nakada, I.; Nakamura, T.
Nihon Kyobu Geka Gakkai 40(11): 2075-2081
ISSN/ISBN: 0369-4739 PMID: 1487643 Document Number: 404849
A 69-year-old female patient with acute myocardial infarction was admitted to our hospital. After i.v. administration of the rt-PA, echocardiography disclosed pericardial effusion to which pericardial drainage was performed first through subxiphoid incision. Immediately after the drainage, electromechanical dissociation emerged and emergency thoracotomy was performed. There was a small blowout rupture of the left ventricular free wall that was successfully repaired using single suture buttressed with Dacron felt without cardiopulmonary bypass support. On the 38th day after the surgery, cineangiography disclosed ventricular aneurysm, to which aneurysmectomy was performed under the cardiopulmonary bypass and her post operative progress was uneventful. Histological study of the resected specimen revealed so called subepicardial aneurysm. Although blowout rupture of the left ventricular free wall used to be lethal, there might be a chance of life saving even without cardiopulmonary bypass support, if the left thoracotomy could be done as quickly as possible.