Early detection of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with cirrhosis by alphafetoprotein, ultrasound and fine-needle biopsy
Tremolda, F.; Benevegnù, L.; Drago, C.; Casarin, C.; Cechetto, A.; Realdi, G.; Ruol, A.
Hepato-Gastroenterology 36(6): 519-521
ISSN/ISBN: 0172-6390 PMID: 2482242 Document Number: 4022
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) may be detected at a relatively early stage in patients with liver cirrhosis regularly followed by screening programs using ultrasonography (US) and alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) measurement. Using both tests in 214 consecutive cirrhotic patients with no clinical signs of liver cancer, we detected HCC in 20 cases (9.4%). The sensitivity of US was greater (85%) than that of AFP (75%), and the combination of the two methods had a sensitivity of 100%. Only 50% of patients with focal liver lesions at US had a final diagnosis of HCC that was obtained in the majority of cases by US-guided fine needle biopsy.
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