Effect of indirect endolymphatic antibiotic therapy on clinical and immunological indicators in patients with erysipelas of the lower extremities

Levina, L.D.; Ambalov, I.M.; Poliak, A.I.; Aĭtkuluev, N.S.; Kovalenko, A.P.; Usatkin, A.V.

Antibiotiki i Khimioterapiia 37(6): 24-26


ISSN/ISBN: 0235-2990
PMID: 1417339
Document Number: 397685
Two groups of patients with erysipelas of the lower extremities underwent indirect endolymphatic therapy with bicillin-3 (58 patients) and routine penicillin therapy (79 patients). Comparative clinicoimmunological examinations in the two groups revealed that lymphotropic administration of the antibiotic had a more favourable effect on the disease process, as evidenced by more rapid reverse time courses of erysipelas clinical signs, less frequent incidence of early relapses and normalization of the majority of immunological parameters by the end of the treatment. For estimation of the anti-recurrence efficacy of the antibiotic therapy in the patients with erysipelas, it was recommended to use a specific scale based on the principles of the Wald successive alternative analysis.

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