The activities of Professor Alojz Chura at the Comenius University Medical School in Bratislava

Tichý, M.; Pavlíková, L.; Kapellerová, A.; Schmidová, A.; Chura, A.

Bratislavske Lekarske Listy 93(4): 203-207


ISSN/ISBN: 0006-9248
PMID: 1393639
Document Number: 397141
One of the most outstanding personalities of Slovak nationality acting at the Medical Faculty of Comenius University in the first two decades of its existence was Prof. MUDr. Alojz Chura. He was among the first students of the Faculty and was then its active member until 1945. The aim of the present study was to contribute to a better understanding and unbiased evaluation of the importance and impact of the activities of this remarkable personality of Slovak pediatrics. In 1925 MUDr. Chura started to work at the Teaching Hospital of Pediatrics and in 1945 he was forced to leave both his position of Director of the Hospital and that of Full Professor of Pediatrics. As Director he had succeeded Prof. Brdlík who on leaving for Prague had suggested Prof. Chura for this responsible position. The contribution of Prof. Chura to the development of pediatrics in Slovakia was exceptional. His extensive sociological study "Slovakia without the Young Generation" laid the basis of social pediatrics in Slovakia. The Teaching Hospital of Pediatrics experienced considerable development under his guidance and that in all its areas of activity, i.e. teaching, prevention, therapy, and research. Besides his manifold activities at the Hospital and Medical Faculty, Prof. Chura was involved in many pursuits, particularly those which were related to the car of the youngest generation. He was Chairman of the Association of Pediatricians in Slovakia for many years. The study analyzes also the Memorandum issued in 1935 which is an important document of the actual social and health conditions in the Slovak country.

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