Asserting Bologna Declaration in restructuring of school system at Comenius University Medical School Bratislava

Bernadic, M.; Traubner, P.; Kukurova, E.; Bernadicova, H.

Bratislavske Lekarske Listy 107(4): 123-125


ISSN/ISBN: 0006-9248
PMID: 16796139
Document Number: 603913
Asserting Bologna Declaration into university education is a long-term and challenging process. New features have to be asserted sensitively in order to develop school system and to strengthen the baseline for Declaration. Slovakia has started the restructuring of university system and study programs undergoing the process of accreditation, however marked support (or reform) for covering the costs of university education is missing (expressed as % of gross domestic product, Slovakia is still not comparable to other EU countries). At present, not satisfactory economic conditions prevent from reaching the content, personal and equipment preconditions at universities (Ref. 7).

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