The downsizing of internal medicine residency programs

Asch, D.A.; Ende, J.

Annals of Internal Medicine 117(10): 839-844


ISSN/ISBN: 0003-4819
PMID: 1416560
Document Number: 391414
A variety of forces are converging to reduce the number of internal medicine residency positions offered in this country. This reduction, referred to as downsizing, has been proposed as the solution to several of the problems facing internal medicine. We examine the forces that underlie the current enthusiasm for downsizing; we consider the alternative strategies by which downsizing might be implemented; and we consider the implications of these alternatives on different groups of stakeholders. Although downsizing may represent a legitimate approach to real problems, any mechanism to reduce the number of training positions in internal medicine will have broad implications for medical education and patient care well into the next century. Special efforts must be taken to ensure that downsizing will not exacerbate the existing problem of overspecialization and limited access to care.

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