Effects of simultaneous denervation and tenotomy on the ultrastructure of a rat slow twitch muscle

Finol, H.J.; González, N.; Márquez, A.

Acta Cientifica Venezolana 43(1): 26-33


ISSN/ISBN: 0001-5504
PMID: 1303590
Document Number: 388458
Simultaneous denervation and tenotomy causes atrophy of rat slow twitch soleus muscle. Apparently, the alterations are similar to those seen in denervated or tenotomized slow muscle. However, the extent of disorganization of myofibrils appears lower than that expected after a moderate period of time in the only denervated or tenotomized muscle. This study indicates that after an initial proliferation of lysosomes, alterations of sarcotubular system and mitochondria proceed. Nevertheless, 45 days after denervation and tenotomy many mitochondria have a normal aspect.

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