Agricultural extension for women farmers in Africa
Saito, K.A.; Weidemann, C.J.
Policy, Research and External Affairs Working Papers Agricultural and Rural Development Department, World Bank 398: vii + 54pp.
DOI: 10.1016/0308-521x(91)90040-hDocument Number: 384179
This paper presents operational guidelines on how to provide cost-effective agricultural extension services to women farmers in sub-Saharan Africa. In particular, it recommends that the information and technology needs of women farmers should be effectively identified and links with agricultural research institutes strengthened so that they address women's activities and strengths. Tools appropriate for women farmers should be designed and made available. More female extension agents must be recruited. The extension system should identify ways to extend services to women to overcome constraints on their time, mobility and their limited education. Specifically, the paper suggests the use of mobile training courses, and mass media such as radio and video cassettes.