Stable metal osteosynthesis in fractures of long tubular bones and cranio-cerebral trauma

Faddeev, D.I.

Ortopediia Travmatologiia i Protezirovanie 6: 8-13


ISSN/ISBN: 0030-5987
PMID: 1784497
Document Number: 380413
On the basis of an experience of application of modern methods of trans-osseous (123), intraosseous (67) and osseous (3) metallo-osteosynthesis and their combinations (30) in 159 victims (aged 4.5-86 years) with associated craniocerebral injury is drawn a conclusion on the expediency of application of different methods of metallo-osteosynthesis of long bones depending on a number of indications. In this case the severity of the craniocerebral injury and the victim state, the character and association of the bone fractures, the period of the traumatic disease are taken into consideration. The most efficient is the early application of stable metallo-osteosynthesis. Combination of the stable connection of fractured fragments with the principle of minimum intervention damaging is of special significance. For this reason in the period of early compensation (2 initial post-traumatic days) the trans-osseous osteosynthesis is preferable. Metallo-osteosynthesis is expedient according to the rigorous indication in the period of stable compensation (9-21 post-traumatic days), preferably at the closed fractures of femur and forearm. The results of treatment have been evaluated with 123 (77.36%) operated patients. The positive outcomes have been noted with 95% of patients that is indicative of the efficiency of the applied methods.

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