Rendering qualified medical services to patients with fractures of long tubular bones
Sarkisian, A.G.; Malakhovskiĭ, D.E.; Bagirov, A.B.; Khomenko, V.A.; Furdiuk, V.V.
Khirurgiia 12: 25-30
ISSN/ISBN: 0023-1207 PMID: 1803116 Document Number: 370170
The conditions for rendering aid to and treatment of the injured in extreme situations require insistantly the development of new methods for skilled medical service. From analysis of treatment of 114 patients with fractures of the long tubular bones the authors conclude that the use of various types of pin apparatuses for this purpose is expedient because they possess advantages over the nail apparatuses. Analysis of treatment of 90 patients showed the expediency of using some auxiliary devices for immobilization of peripheral erimetaphyseal fractures and oblique and spiral diaphyseal fractures.