Calcified bladder lesions secondary to the instillation of mitomycin C

Megias Garrigós, J.; Pelluch Auladell, A.; Romero Pérez, P.; Fernandez García, J.; Gassó Matoses, M.; Sánchez Marcos, M.; Mira Llinarés, A.

Archivos Espanoles de Urologia 44(9): 1057-1060


ISSN/ISBN: 0004-0614
PMID: 1807206
Document Number: 376621
We report on 10 cases of bladder wall calcification after mitomycin C instillation. The cystoscopic and microscopic features of these lesions are described. In our view, these lesions can be ascribed to the use of mitomycin C instillation therapy immediately after TUR. Because they are asymptomatic and occasionally present features of tumor recurrence, biopsy is advocated to determine the true nature of these lesions.

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