Epidemiology of sharps accidents in general surgery

Camilleri, A.E.; Murray, S.; Squair, J.L.; Imrie, C.W.

Journal of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh 36(5): 314-316


ISSN/ISBN: 0035-8835
PMID: 1757911
Document Number: 376622
A prospective study was carried out of all general surgical operations in one theatre of a teaching hospital over a 6-week period to identify the predisposing factors involved in the occurrence of sharps accidents and their relative importance. Although various predisposing factors have been intimated, the relative importance has never been ascertained. Glove puncture was used as an objective measure of a sharps accident and this was compared with subjective reporting of needlestick injury. The overall rate of sharps accidents per surgeon per operation was 23%. The position at the operating table and medical rank of operator affected the rate of accidents more than duration of operation. The group at most risk of sharps accidents was junior surgeons acting as the principal operator. It is important to recommend inoculation against hepatitis B in this group before starting surgical training. Another method of minimizing the risk to junior surgeons would be compulsory training on surgical rigs. Operations on patients with AIDS or hepatitis B should be carried out by the most senior surgeon available to reduce the risk of sharps injury and disease transmission.

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