Phase i and clinical pharmacological evaluation of a parenteral hexamethylmelamine formulation

Ames, M.M.; Richardson, R.L.; Kovach, J.S.; Moertel, C.G.; O'Connell, M.J.

Cancer Research 50(1): 206-210


ISSN/ISBN: 0008-5472
PMID: 2104537
Document Number: 365611
Hexamethylmelamine has been evaluated in single agent and combination regimen studies for many years, but only following p.o. administration. Pharmacological studies in animals and humans have shown that systematic availability of parent drug following p.o. administration is relatively low and variable due to extensive first-pass metabolism rather than due to poor absorption. Two Phase I clinical trials, with accompanying pharmacokinetic studies, have been conducted by using a parenteral formulation in which hexamethylmelamine was prepared by Intralipid 10%. The parenteral formulation was well tolerated by all patients receiving hexamethylmelamine by 1-day and by daily for 5-days schedules. Nausea and vomiting were the dose-limiting toxicities. Maximally tolerated doses on the 1-day and daily for 5-days schedules were approximately 850 mg/m2 and 630 mg/m2/day, respectively. No responses were observed in either study. Following i.v. administration of 540 mg/m2 hexamethylmelamine, plasma elimination was best described by a three-compartment open model with terminal half-life, total body clearance, and steady-state volume of distribution values of 10.4 h, 0.75 liter/min/m2 and 460 liters/m2, respectively. Twenty-four h urinary recoveries of parent drug were less than 1% for all patients. Accumulation of hexamethylmelamine during the 5-day treatment at 945 mg/m2 suggested possible saturation of parent drug elimination at that dose. Phase II studies are currently under way with the parenteral formulation of hexamethylmelamine.

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