Magnesium level in serum and erythrocytes in patients with chronic coronary heart disease without myocardial infarct

Thiele, R.; Schuffenhauer, M.; Dawczinski, H.; Winnefeld, K.

Zeitschrift für die Gesamte Innere Medizin und ihre Grenzgebiete 45(22): 685-686


ISSN/ISBN: 0044-2542
PMID: 2099030
Document Number: 360066
In 62 patients with chronic coronary heart disease without myocardial infarction the magnesium content of the serum and the erythrocytes was determined by means of the flame atom absorption spectrophotometry in comparison to patients with infarction and a group of healthy test persons. In the patients with chronic coronary heart disease without acute myocardial infarction the magnesium content of the serum was significantly reduced on the first day after the pectanginous attack. No decreased magnesium level of the erythrocytes was present on the first and tenth day after the pectanginous attack.

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