Experimental substantiation of the mechanism of adaptive disintegration in the pathogenesis of traumatic disease
Dedushkin, V.S.; Dulaev, A.K.; Khomutov, V.P.; Erokhov, A.N.
Vestnik Khirurgii Imeni I. I. Grekova 145(9): 92-96
ISSN/ISBN: 0042-4625 PMID: 1962965 Document Number: 356765
For experimental verification of the authors' hypothesis on the role of the mechanism of adaptative disintegration in pathogenesis of trauma disease the essence of which consists in inadequacy of emergency adaptation of the organism to a critical and middle degree of the injury by the time and amplitude, an investigation on 89 rabbits has been performed with modeling of extensive wound of soft tissues of the femur. The correction of the neuroendocrine response of the organism to trauma by injection of synthetic opiopeptide dalargin++ was made. The use of dalargin changed quantitatively and qualitatively the neuroendocrine reaction to the injury and optimized the wound process and restoration of the homeostasis parameters.