Gelatinous transformation of the bone marrow

Kemona, A.; Dziecioł, J.; Sulik, M.; Brykalska, A.; Sobaniec-Lotowska, M.; Baltaziak, M.

Patologia Polska 41(3): 125-128


ISSN/ISBN: 0031-3114
PMID: 2152508
Document Number: 350189
The incidence and histopathologic picture of gelatinous transformation of the bone marrow were analysed in non-selected autopsy material. It was found that gelatinous transformation of the bone marrow occurred in terminal stages of various diseases (malignant neoplasms, chronic inflammation). Histological studies showed that gelatinous transformation of the bone marrow led to atrophy of the hematopoietic and adipose tissues of the bone marrow and accumulation of acid mucopolysaccharides. The patients with gelatinous transformation of the bone marrow exhibit hematologic disorders, most frequently anemia and thrombocytopenia.

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