Suprapubic uterovesical suspension via a hammock made from a flap formed from the vaginal wall--a new surgical method in stress incontinence

Atanasov, A.; Doganov, N.; Slavchev, B.

Akusherstvo i Ginekologiia 28(4): 44-49


ISSN/ISBN: 0324-0959
PMID: 2679193
Document Number: 347259
The authors report on their own method, used in women with stress incontinence and included into the group of uterovesical suspensions. The idea of Pereyra and that of Goebell and Stoeckel was applied rationally as the suspension was achieved by a sling from a lambeau, formed from the vaginal wall. The stages of the operation were described in details as well as its advantages in comparison with other operations, used for the same purpose. The personal experience of the authors in this operation was based on 30 women, operated during 1986 and showed very high therapeutic efficiency.

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