Changes in the urethral pressure profile after vaginal electrostimulation in the treatment of stress urinary incontinence

Vírseda Chamorro, M.; Salinas Casado, J.; Salomón Moh'd, S.; Esteban Fuertes, M.; Fernández Ajubita, H.; Ramírez Fernández, J.C.; Resel Estévez, L.

Archivos Espanoles de Urologia 50(6): 643-647


ISSN/ISBN: 0004-0614
PMID: 9412365
Document Number: 471788
To assess the changes in urethral pressure measurement after vaginal electrostimulation for the treatment of genuine urinary stress incontinence. A clinical study, cystometry and urethral pressure profile were conducted on 15 female patients with urinary stress incontinence. The clinical results showed that electrostimulation was effective in 60% of the patients. The maximum urethral pressure and the functional urethral length increased after electrostimulation (from 47.72 +/- 16.47 cm H2O to 58.27 +/- 14.09 cm H2O, and from 3.9 +/- 1.56 cm to 5.25 +/- 1.69 cm, respectively). There was no relationship between the clinical improvement and the increment of both parameters. However, the increase of the maximum urethral pressure was higher in patients with improvement of incontinence (from 42.5 +/- 3.53 cm H2O to 49.65 +/- 11.26 cm H2O). Electrostimulation increases both the maximum urethral pressure and the functional urethral length. However, there is no relationship between these parameters and the effects of electrostimulation on urinary incontinence.

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