Residual effect of DDT in the living quarters of rural population of Azerbaijan
Drobozina, V.P.; Suvorova, N.I.; Bondareva, N.I.
Meditsinskaia Parazitologiia i Parazitarnye Bolezni 46(2): 191-195
ISSN/ISBN: 0025-8326 PMID: 144847 Document Number: 341495
In the Azerbaijan SSR [USSR], where Anopheles sacharovi Favre had acquired resistance to DDT, the residual effect of DDT (30% watered powder and 25% emulsion) was determined on different surfaces found in rural communities: saman, wood (boards, plywood), painted with oils, plastered and cane. The experiments established low effectiveness of both forms of DDT used. One day after treatment with DDT, the death rate of mosquitoes, freshly engorged female A. sacharovi, did not exceed 59% after 1 h contact with treated surfaces. Within 10 days the residual effect of DDT decreased markedly and disappeared completely in 20 days, irrespective of the type of surface treated. Based on these data, the further using of DDT for treatment of premises seems inexpedient.