Apolipoproteins as risk indicators of ischemic heart disease

Winkler, L.; Schlag, B.; Ostermann, G.; Dargel, R.

Przeglad Lekarski 46(7): 595-598


ISSN/ISBN: 0033-2240
PMID: 2587787
Document Number: 334109
About 50% of the individuals with a coronary risk show lipid levels within the normal range. Therefore, apolipoprotein profiles could be better risk indicators than TC or TG. Apolipoproteins generally discussed in this context are apo A1, apo B, and apo E. Their diagnostic validity, however, is ambigously evaluated. The individual iso-protein pattern of apo E is important for the differential diagnosis of the type III hyperlipidemia with its strong predisposition for premature atherosclerosis. Moreover, the extent of the apo E sialylation seems to be important because the modification of apo E by sialic acid alters its metabolism. Our date provide evidence that in IDDM and NIDDM the degree of apo E sialylation is increased. Concerning apo A1 and B we tried to find out parameters suitable for the prediction of the coronary risk both in the hyperlipidemic and the normolipidemic state. 64 male survivors of a myocardial infarc"ion and 60 matched controls were included in the study (group I). From group I a supopulation showing non-pathological values for TC and TG was selected (group II with 31 survivors and 44 controls). The diagnostic validity of the parameters apo A1, apo B, TC, HDL-C, apo A1/apo B, TC/apo B, HDL-C/apo B, TG, TG/apo A1, TG/HDL-C, TC-HDL-C/apo B determined by calculation of their sensitivities, specificities, efficiencies, and predictive values. Only the parameters TC/apo B, HDL-C/apo B, and apo B were suitable in the order given for detection of the coronary risk. Using the TC/apo B ratio 71-76% of the controls and 79% of the survivors could be exactly reclassified independent of the group they belonged to.

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