Radioimmunotherapy combined with chemotherapy and immunotherapy for nude mice bearing human hepatocellular carcinoma
Bao, Y.M.
Zhonghua Zhong Liu Za Zhi 11(4): 245-247
ISSN/ISBN: 0253-3766 PMID: 2625102 Document Number: 328955
A comparative study of multiple modalities, radioimmunotherapy combined with cisplatin and MBV was made. The tumor size and macrophage activity (acid phosphatase) were measured after treatment. The results showed that the tumor inhibition rates were 48, 55, 74, 76, 79% in radioimmunotherapy, cisplatin, radioimmunotherapy + MBV, radioimmunotherapy + cisplatin and radioimmunotherapy + MBV + cisplatin groups, respectively. Radioimmunotherapy was effective in controlling tumor growth, especially in sequential treatment by two injections. Both cisplatin and MBV could increase therapeutic effect of radioimmunotherapy. Therefore, combination of the three modalities is the best choice for tumor growth control. The effectiveness of MBV may be related to the increase of macrophage activity. Preliminary clinical results were satisfactory. Decline in serum AFP level and shrinkage of tumor were observed in 80% (12/15) and 65% (13/20) of the patients. It is suggested that combination of multiple treatment modalities may provide an important approach to treat moderately advanced liver cancer.