Effect of Marital Relationship Enrichment Program on Marital Satisfaction, Marital Intimacy, and Sexual Satisfaction of Infertile Couples
Masoumi, S.Zahra.; Khani, S.; Kazemi, F.; Kalhori, F.; Ebrahimi, R.; Roshanaei, G.
International Journal of Fertility and Sterility 11(3): 197-204
ISSN/ISBN: 2008-076X PMID: 28868842 Document Number: 319162
Infertile couples only think of having children during their sexual intercourse, and their constant concern about this issue increases their stress level. Psychosocial and social stress leads to decreased life satisfaction, increased marital problems, and reduced sexual confidence. This study aims to determine the effect of enrichment program on marital and sexual satisfaction as well as marital intimacy among infertile couples. This randomized controlled clinical trial was conducted on 50 infertile couples in 2013 in Hamedan. The marital relationship enrichment program was taught to the experimental group during seven 90 minutes sessions. Enrich marital satisfaction, Linda Berg sexual satisfaction, and marital intimacy questionnaires were completed by both groups in 3 pretest steps immediately after the end of training sessions, and 8 weeks later. The results were analyzed in STATA11 software using t test, Chi-square, ANCOVA, RM-ANOVA, and Bonferroni post-hoc test. To check the data normality, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used. P<0.05 was considered significant. Comparison of mean scores related to pretest on the one hand and immediately after the test in 8 week later on the other hand showed marital relationship enrichment program significantly increased marital and sexual satisfaction (P<0.001). Also, mean score of marital intimacy immediately after the test (P=0.04) and 8 weeks after the test (P<0.001) significantly increased in comparison with the pretest under the influence of the program. Enrichment training can increase marital intimacy and also marital and sexual satisfaction in infertile couples (Registration Number: IRCT201604299014N97).