Personality traits versus the quality of the marital relationship as the determinant of marital sexuality

Schenk, J.; Pfrang, H.; Rausche, A.

Archives of Sexual Behavior 12(1): 31-42


ISSN/ISBN: 0004-0002
PMID: 6838353
DOI: 10.1007/bf01542114
Document Number: 351310
The question of whether personality traits or the relationship among marital partners is more significant for the importance of sexuality and satisfaction in sexual interaction was examined. It was demonstrated that only interaction variables were significant, satisfying sexual relationships existing only in happy marriages. Correspondence between the partners was quite good for "satisfaction in sexual interaction," but there was no correlation for the importance sexuality had for both partners. The comparison between the two sexes additionally showed that for women sexuality was less important and satisfying compared to men. This relationship held during various stages of the marital relationship.

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