Alanine aminotransferase activity in liver and erythrocytes of pregnant and nonpregnant rats fed different levels of pyridoxine

Driskell, J.A.; Wiley, J.H.; Kirksey, A.

Journal of Nutrition 101(1): 85-91


ISSN/ISBN: 0022-3166
PMID: 5540528
Document Number: 31610
Reproductive performance in female rats was supported by an intake of 15 micro g or more pyridoxine per day and growth of young rats by 10 to 15 micro g. Higher vitamin intakes up to 8000 micro g for 4 weeks had no adverse effect. An intake of 20 micro g or more daily was necessary for highest alanine aminotransferase activity in liver and erythrocytes of pregnant animals. Activity in erythrocytes was less affected by pregnancy than that in the liver.

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