Influence of oral contraception upon the occurence of Candida albicans in the vagina

Thulin, H.

Nordisk Medicin 85(13): 399-401


ISSN/ISBN: 0029-1420
PMID: 4995130
Document Number: 31130
The role that oral contraceptives play in the development of vaginal Candida albicans is discussed. 100 oral contraceptives users and 87 nonusers were tested for Candida albicans, Trichomonas, and gonococci. These 3 infections were all more frequent in the oral contraceptive users, Candida albicans occurring in 28% of the oral contraceptive users and in 8.1% of the nonusers. Women using preparations consisting of norgestrel and low dosages of estrogen had the same frequency of Candida albicans that was found in nonusers, with all other preparations displaying higher frequencies. Itching occurred in 50% of the women having Candida albicans infections and is the most frequent symptom. It is possible that the oral contraceptive's estrogen component influences the glycogen level of the vagina, which makes favorable conditions for the development of Candida albicans.

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