Quantitative and qualitative findings of hepatitis B virus-associated antigens, receptors and antibodies in the course of the acute phase of hepatitis B infection

Gröticke, J.W.; Gerken, G.; Steinmann, J.; Arnold, W.

Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie 26(7): 363-373


ISSN/ISBN: 0044-2771
PMID: 2851892
Document Number: 307341
Receptors for pHSA may be the links between HBV and hepatocytes. Therefore, we evaluated the correlation between serum binding activity for pHSA during the acute phase of hepatitis B in relation to the decrease of surface antigen concentration. 130 sera from 22 patients with acute (HBeAg-positive) hepatitis B were obtained weekly during an average interval of 7 weeks after the onset of the disease. R-pHSA were tested by RIA in 4 titre steps (1:50, 1:500, 1:5000, 1:50,000). HBsAg was analysed quantitatively by RIA according to the standard serum of the Paul-Ehrlich-Institute.

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