Clinical studies of peripheral venous parenteral nutrition. Effect of a 3.5% amino acid solution on postoperative metabolism with special reference to amino acid homeostasis

Dölp, R.; Grünert, A.; Schmitz, E.; Ahnefeld, F.W.

Infusionstherapie und Klinische Ernahrung 14 Suppl. 1: 10-16


ISSN/ISBN: 0378-0791
PMID: 3106208
Document Number: 301107
We studied 20 patients following vaginal hysterectomy until the third postoperative day. 10 patients (group I) in this randomized controlled study were infused only with water and electrolytes in a volume of 40 ml/kg BW. 10 patients (group II) received a 3.5% amino-acid solution with 6% carbohydrates in the same volume. In group II the nitrogen balance was significantly better than in group I. The nitrogen retention of 81% was judged as rather good. We have shown that there were no changes in the concentration of free plasma amino acids in group II, opposite we found significant changes especially in the branched-chain amino acids and alanine in group I. The normalization of metabolized amino acids and the normal concentration of the nonesterified fatty acids in group II demonstrated that the utilization of added amino acids took place not only in peripheral but also in visceral tissues. Our study indicates that the proven amino-acid solution can be recommended as peripheral-venous parenteral nutrition in the postoperative phase.

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