Peculiarities of adriamycin cardiotoxicity in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR)

Herrmann, H.J.; Massow, S.; Moritz, V.; Norden, C.; Kühne, C.

Biomedica Biochimica Acta 46(8-9): S593-S596


ISSN/ISBN: 0232-766X
PMID: 3435516
Document Number: 288895
The adriamycin (ARD) effects on the myocardium and the microcirculatory system (m.s.) of the heart and the skeletal muscle were studied enzyme histochemically and histomorphometrically. Normotensive Wistar rats (ADR-NWR) and SHR (ADR-SHR) were given 3 weekly intravenous injections of 1 mg ADR/kg b.wt. Controls were injected with saline. Besides the well-known ADR-induced single-cell degeneration observed in both strains, ADR-SHR have developed focal myocardial lesions (f.m.l.) to be characterized as ischemic alterations. Their number and size have distinctly increased as compared to saline-treated SHR. In the coronary m.s. the ADR applications were followed by signs of structural adaptation to chronic contractions, especially in ADR-SHR and within the f.m.l. The latter were considered to be decisively engendered by the pathological reactions of the m.s. In ADR-SHR possible the cardiotoxic ADR actions have aggravated these microvessel reactions and their consequences.

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