A case report of an advanced ovarian cancer (stage T4) treated with a total amount of 1815 mg of CDDP

Maruyama, M.; Noda, T.; Kiyozuka, Y.; Okamura, Y.; Ibaraki, T.; Katou, Y.; Ninomiya, Y.; Oku, M.; Nabuchi, K.; Hino, K.

Gan no Rinsho. Japan Journal of Cancer Clinics 33(12): 1507-1514


ISSN/ISBN: 0021-4949
PMID: 3119892
Document Number: 288577
A case is reported of a 34-year-old female who complained of an adult head-sized tumor in the pelvis and was treated with a high dose of CDDP. On the first look operation, it was found impossible to perform reduction surgery because of severe adhesion and peritonitis carcinomatosa. To introduce a high concentration of an anti-cancer agent into the tumor tissue, we administered CDDP intravenously, intraperitoneally and intra-arterially to the total amount of 1815 mg. After this high dose combination chemotherapy, a second look operation was performed and the tumor was seen to be reduced. The patient is now in remission and is being followed up as an out-patient. The clinical course of this case had decided for us which route would be the most effective and would have the least side effect, also, how much of a dosage can be administered as a maximum adoptive dose of an anti-cancer agent, and what kind of a second-line chemotherapy is effective against resistant cancer cells.

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