Eleven years of follow-up of the pattern of leprosy complications at Alupe Leprosy Hospital

Adallah, S.O.; Orege, P.A.; Owili, D.M.

East African Medical Journal 64(10): 656-664


ISSN/ISBN: 0012-835X
PMID: 3333748
Document Number: 286558
A retrospective follow-up study was done to find out the pattern of leprosy complications at Alupe Leprosy Hospital during the period 1973-1983. The total number of first admission during the study period were 1371 cases out of which 59.4% were males and 40.6% were females. 5.3% of the admitted cases were non-leprosy cases. Out of 1299 leprosy cases, 775 (59.7%) were males and 524 (40.3%) were females. The majority of the patients were aged 50 years and above, and the predominant type of leprosy was borderline tuberculoid. 18.8% of the complications were medical; i.e. due to reactions, 64.2% of the complications were physical and 17.0% of the complications were found on the eyes. 53.7% of the surgical complications were found on the feet and 46.3% of the surgical complications were found on the hands. 59.9% of the patients with hand complications had anaesthesia and/or claw fingers, 35.4% had ulcers and 4.7% had absorption of the fingers. In contrast, 26.0% of the patients who had feet complications had anaesthesia and or claw feet, 65.1% had ulcers and 8.9% had absorptions of the toes. As for the medical complications, 63.3% of the patients had type I (reversal) reaction and 36.7% had type II (down-grading) reaction. This study therefore shows that male patients have more complications than female patients, and that borderline tuberculoid (BT) patients are the ones at greatest risk of developing leprosy complications. The study also shows that 64% of the bed-occupancy at Alupe Leprosy Hospital is due to ulcers. This study also shows that surgical complications are still predominant in leprosy, hence leprosy control efforts should be intensified, and physical rehabilitation of leprosy patients should also be intensified, since leprosy ulcers are still a major cause for admission of leprosy cases into the hospital.

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