WHO regional strategy for sustaining leprosy services and further reducing the burden of leprosy, 2006-2010

Indian Journal of Leprosy 78(1): 33-47


ISSN/ISBN: 0254-9395
PMID: 16646282
Document Number: 595716
The modifications in the WHO strategy for reducing leprosy burden and sustaining leprosy control, specifically as it applies to the current situation in Southeast Asian Nations yet to achieve the leprosy elimination goals, which include India, Nepal and East Timor, are presented. Issues related to this strategy, such as the political commitment of governments (health policies and health services), the social aspects of the disease (discrimination, displacements and human rights) and the availability of drugs are also discussed. The main goal of the strategy is the achievement of a new case detection rate of less than 10 per 100 000 population, both at the regional and country level.

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