Engendering participatory development in the analysis of household food security: small-scale farmers in the Vihiga District of Kenya

Wakwabubi, E.W.

Globalising rural development competing paradigms and emerging realities: 323-349


Document Number: 281757
Gender perspectives in food security have not been properly integrated into agricultural policy frameworks in Kenya, and it is the purpose of this chapter to highlight some of the issues that need attention. The chapter focuses on the household food security situation in Sabatia division. Several factors, including gender disparities, are responsible for food insecurity in Sabatia division and, therefore, their modes of interaction in the process of food production need to be clearly understood. There are short-term food policies. Current agricultural policies only deal with maize, wheat, rice and sugarcane. Traditional crops have not found a proper place in policy formulations. The chapter provides insights and recommendations useful to the Ministry of Agriculture and other development actors for developing and implementing effective policies sensitive to gender considerations for achieving sustainable food security. Recommendations include: community empowerment and development programmes; microfinance initiatives; participation of NGOs in food security programmes and policies; gender reconstruction; conservation farming; community-based institutions and self-help group initiatives; food security safety nets; and agricultural technology.

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