Depletion lymphocytapheresis in chronic lymphocytic leukemias: criteria for predicting which patients will respond to treatment

Rossi, P.L.; Alfano, G.; D'Onofrio, G.; Menichella, G.; Mango, G.

International Journal of Artificial Organs 9(1): 59-62


ISSN/ISBN: 0391-3988
PMID: 3957456
Document Number: 281323
Depletion lymphocytapheresis therapy using the continuous-flow separator was used in twenty-two cases of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Applying the Montserrat scoring system, a prediction can be made, to a good approximation, whether the patient will be a "responder" or a "non-responder" to leukapheresis. Criteria have been formulated for decisions on when depletion lymphocytapheresis is absolutely or only relatively indicated, on the basis of total scores from 2 through 6 using the Montserrat criterion.

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