Ten year follow-up of gastrointestinal hemorrhage patients
Duggan, J.M.
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Medicine 16(1): 33-38
ISSN/ISBN: 0004-8291 PMID: 3486654 Document Number: 281198
The mortality and morbidity of the 241 survivors of an acute gastrointestinal hemorrhage treated between 1958 and 1964 are reported. The major purpose of this study was to assess the subsequent risk to life and health of patients presenting with acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Patients without dyspepsia and with a negative single contrast barium meal study had an excellent prognosis. Life Table analysis showed that the gastric ulcer patients had a mortality not significantly different from that of the Australian population, with the higher risk of death from ulcer balanced by a lower risk of fatal vascular disease. Duodenal ulcer patients had an increased mortality attributable to a 290% increase in deaths from vascular disease, but only one of the 84 died of an ulcer complication. The association between duodenal ulcer and vascular disease has been present for decades. It is unlikely to be associated with hypertension, diabetes mellitus, diet, stress, or smoking and deserves further study.